A cow looks for blades of green grass in the bottom of an empty stock tank
at a ranch near Manor on July 27, 2011 - photograph by Jay Janner
I have NEVER been happier to see summer coming to an end. This year it has been one for the record books all across Texas.
- In Austin, we usually average 12 days above 100 degrees for the entire summer. We had 13 such days before summer even officially started this year.
- We broke the record from 1925 for the number of days above 100 - previous record was 69, as I type this we are at 78 and counting. (Forecast for at least 4 more days).
- We tied the record for hottest day ever - 112, the next day it was 110.
- New record for the number of consecutive 100 degree days - 27.
- It's not just Austin, for 4/5 of Texas this is the worst drought on record.
- 15 inches of rain in the last 12 months.
The first picture above as well as the one below were both were taken within a few miles of where I live by staff photographer Jay Janner.
This corn stalk is typical of the condition of hundreds of acres of corn that was destroyed by drought in Round Rock - photo taken by Jay Janner on July 12, 2011
So often, until the food gets to market and the prices have risen, do consumers give the farmers that provide that food a second thought. The effects of this drought will be long felt by everyone and my heart goes out to those suffering from it the most. I pray that yours prays are answered.